BJP Election Manifesto – A Thunderbolt for Opposition in Darjeeling Hills?

Political resolution on the matter of Gorkhas

1.”We will recognise the 11 left out Indian Gorkha sub-tribes as Schedule Tribes. We are also committed to implement the reservation in the legislative assembly of Sikkim for Limboo and Tamang tribes.

2.”We are committed to work towards finding a permanent political solution to the issue of Darjeeling Hills, Siliguri Terai and Dooars region.”

A Welcome Step: Historic Alliance of GJM and GNLF in Darjeeling Hills

We have to realize the fact that the long cherished dream to statehood or 6th schedule can only be achieved through a political settlement with the central government. This brings us to the conclusion that it is only the Center that has the power to get this done, and it would be a blunder not to support an alliance that is making an attempt to do just that.