

The Rock & Roll and Hard Rock scene set by amazing bands such as The Hillians, Extreme Moderation, Turquoise and Jade, The Diamonds, Prism, Forbidden Fruit, Magnum Opus, Pralay was later followed by bands like Rusty Nails, the US Band (where US is short for Unity of Souls) among others, makes Darjeeling the leading light of Rock music in India. Following on the footsteps of these greats, is an up and coming band from our hills “The Invasion”.

SHOCKING – Hotel Ramada Management Accused of Sexual Assault

In a very alarming case, a sexual assault attempt was allegedly made against a lady staff of Ramada Hotel, Darjeeling by senior staff of the same hotel on the 14th of October. The girl, who is around 23-years-old, and a resident of Darjeeling had been associated with the hotel for the last one-and-a-half-years as housekeeping staff.

JUST IN: Attack on Darjeeling MP Raju Bista Near Kalimpong

He added, “Initially they were shouting slogans, which quickly turned into a physical attack accompanied by Khukuri, knife, other sharp weapons and heavy stone pelting on our supporters and myself. Many of our BJP party workers and our alliance partner GJM party workers have been injured in the attack, who were sitting duck against a well-organized ambush. My private security officer was stuck on chest and upper body following his attempt to cover me from the oncoming barrage of blows and stones thrown at me. My Personal Security Officer was also injured when stones pelted on us hit his legs.”

Darjeeling Everyday: From Jhandi-Makut to Housie – Things we Lived for

Darjeeling Everyday is a delicious feeling. Here in Darjeeling, the festive seasons are almost to end and we are now at the best part of the entire season – the Tihar days. Everything about this time of the year is beautiful – bright sunny days, smiling mountains, milky white clouds (if any), delicious food, selrotis, flowers, vailo, dewsi, vai tika, dakshina, drinks and what not? If you get greeted by pleasant weather mixed with the aroma of saipatris added to a clear view of the mountains, you are here.

The Drug Menace

The drug menace has caught hold of our community in its vice-like grip and if we do not wake up today, it may be too late tomorrow. A teary-eyed young lady recently expresses her ordeal to me – “He is young… My brother had been one of the best guys in the neighbourhood. It is since he joined this new school that the problem began. He met some bad influence and since then it has been the same. My parents and I tried everything. We personally talked to all his friends to leave him alone. Even he realises what kind of situation he is into. He wants to get out. He doesn’t want to go to school. He says he won’t stay back in Darjeeling for college. I hope it gets fine. We are still in disbelief, but we have to live with it.”

TheDC Story Series – “हाम्रा कथाहरु” Episode 9: आरुको फुल

TheDC Story Series “हाम्रा कथाहरु” Episode 9 – As we had informed earlier, we have tied up with RJ Samir – Samir Gideon Ghimire, to bring to you 12 Nepali stories – 1 story a month, in the audio-pictorial format under our series हाम्रा कथाहरु. We are doing this to make our Nepali literature more popular among younger generations, and also among those who may never have read a Nepali story before.

STD or Subscriber Trunk Dialling and the Forgotten Love Romances

I was delivering a lecture in one of my classes, where I stumbled upon the word STD. Something struck me at that instant, and so I happened to ask one of the boys about what he understood by the word term STD. He was prompt, loud and clear – he replied that it’s a disease which is sexually transmitted. I wanted to hear something else from him, so I asked if there were other meanings of STD. He was silent. Then I opened the question for the entire class, and still, nobody knew any other meaning.

Read the Spine

I grew up in a small community area in Darjeeling where there were and still are, no motorable roads. There were no taps in our houses because there was no water. You could only ‘play with water’ when it rained. I still remember the day I played in the rain for three hours, it was the best day of my life, ever.

History of Darjeeling Shows We were Never Part of Bengal

On August 17, West Bengal tourism minister Gautam Deb addressed a press conference at Mirik in Darjeeling. Exuding his obvious concern for the Gorkhas and the National Register of Citizens (NRC) issue, he said, “If NRC is implemented in the Darjeeling hills, the hills will become empty, out of 15 Lakh people there will be no one to live there. Most Gorkha brothers and sisters and senior citizens they will be driven out from Darjeeling hills, both Darjeeling and Kalimpong, including Kurseong and this Mirik [sic].”