
आगामी बंगाल बिधान सभा चुनाव – गोर्खाहरूको राजनैतिक समस्या समाधानको पहलतर्फ एउटा माइलखुट्टी सिद्ध हुन सक्छ

राजनीतिमा कुनै स्थायी शत्रु पनि हुँदैनन अनि स्थायी मित्र पनि रहँदैनन। भारतीय राजनीतिमा यस्ता अनेकौं घटनाक्रमहरू दिनोंदिन हावी बन्दै जॉदैछ। एक समय आफनो घोर बिरोधीको…

गोरखाको हराएको चिनारी : दूर्भाग्य कि द्वेष?

“आर यू फ्रम नेपाल?”
यो प्रश्नले शायदै भारतीय गोरखाहरूलाई पिरोलेका छन् जत्तिको मलाई पिरोलेका थिए जब रोजगारको शिलशिलामा विदेशको नौलो ठाँउमा शुरूका दिनहरूमा जागिर खाई रहेको थिए म । आज सम्म नै यो प्रश्नले मेरो मन मथिंगलमा भूँइचालो ल्याउँने गर्दछ ।

Dream of Gorkhaland – Through a Standpoint of Major Hill Resources

It is very embarrassing and heart wrenching for me to get sarcastic remarks being an Indian Nepali or Gorkha in the rest part of Indian soul. Living away from the cold mountain air and friendly own community of the hill for Postgraduate and M.Phil. Studies did come across many times with such sarcastic remarks as Chinese because of having ‘Chimso’ eyes and “How Nepali language while living in Bengal!” considered as some bitter remarks are the inner pains of the Indian Gorkha who resides plains or rest part of Indian soil.

A Betrayed Queen and the Union Territory of Darjeeling

Often described as the Queen of the Hills for its stunning natural beauty, complemented by the world-famous and UNESCO world heritage – the Himalayan Railway, also holding an intoxicating political history the Darjeeling hills does not fail to mesmerize the tourists as well as the scholars. It is sad but not surprising that the Queen of the Himalayas has always been a victim of political betrayal (Dhoka) and there is neither a “ Queen” like leader, nor a permanent “Hills” like solution to achieve its true potentials.

Bhasa Sangrami Shri. Gopal Singh Bhandari

His association with literature brought him in close contact with the who’s who of the Nepali Bhasa Manyata Andolan, in which he was an active participant. His articles and write-ups in Hindi and Urdu languages made people outside Darjeeling region aware of the plight of Nepali speaking Gorkhas. A dedicated foot soldier of Gorkha cause, Gopal Singh Bhandari openly supported the demand for Gorkhaland even as a Government servant. The then Govt of West Bengal transferred him to Krishnanagar as a punishment, following which he had resigned, but later the government relented.