
Remembering Forgotten Gandhi of Sikkim

His name is Late Trilochan Pokhrel or popularly called as ‘Gandhi Pokhrel’ or ‘Bande Pokhrel’. However the sad instance in Sikkim that hardly anyone knows him. He becomes the forgotten chapters of Sikkimese History. Late Pokhrel was born at Tareythang Busty in Pakyong sub-division of East Sikkim in the last decade of 19th Century.

English Writing in Sikkim: A New Bloom

Most of the writings, from Sikkim, are mostly in Nepali. The Sikkimese mass never received British mode of education or rather there were no schools that could strictly be called an English medium, barring a few. Most of the scanty English writing by the Sikkimese was mainly restricted to non-fiction books and that too mainly concentrated on the history or polity of Sikkim. The Sikkimese wanted to write their own history first.

When Nature Reclaims Territory

Natural phenomenon often brings huge devastations and cause a tremendous hazard in our lives and properties. We have seen numerous examples of the fury of nature in the form of Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Cyclones, Landslides, Avalanches, Flood and Tsunami, etc. Man-made disasters are of much smaller scales and less destructive. However, large scale implications of human actions on the environment are often overlooked.

Sikkim, Darjeeling and Development

The youths and future of Darjeeling sadly stands in “Nali” and “Jhora,” not in building libraries for the children. Darjeeling stands here in “Ego” and “Clashes” not in Unification. Darjeeling stands here in “jobs for party flag bearer” not in conducting examination and competition for the jobs. Darjeeling stands for “ek bottle rakshi and masu vaat” not in making the people fully sustainable, and trained and equipped to earn. All this limitation and gaps exist because of the absence of Temple and the priests in our Darjeeling.

A Village Awaits Development: विकास पर्खेर बसेको गाउँ

उमेर हुँदा पाखुरी बजाएर बारीखेती गर्ने दुइ ज्यान अहिले कमजोर भइसकेका छन्। बस्तीमा बाँझो खेत, सुक्खा जमिनमा उनीहरू आफ्नो सास अड़काएर बसेका छन्। रात काट्न दुइ कोठाको घर छ। अवस्था दयनीय छ।