TheDC Story Series – “हाम्रा कथाहरु” Episode 1: तिम्रो बा सित पैसा छैन

Thedc Story Series हाम्रा कथाहरु Episode 1Thedc Story Series हाम्रा कथाहरु

Hi folks, we are very excited about TheDC Story Series – हाम्रा कथाहरु. Here is our 1st story “तिम्रो बा सित पैसा छैन”

As we had informed earlier, we have tied up with RJ Samir – Samir Gideon Ghimire, to bring to you 12 Nepali stories – 1 story a month, in audio-pictorial format. We are doing this to make our Nepali literature more popular among younger generations, and also among those who may never have read a Nepali story before.

Instead of just focusing on previously published stories, we have decided to accept stories from our readers. The best story every month will be given a voice over by RJ Samir and we will turn it into an audio visual format.

If you have it in you to write a story in Nepali, please do send us your entries.

You can write-in comments below, or inbox us a message. Or You can email us the same at: or

You can reach out to RJ Samir via WhatsApp or Call at: 891834 3658

We THANK our contributors – Uchi, Diwakar Prashad, Raul Lama and Shahbaz Khan for sending us the footage we have used to complete this story.

We know we could have done a much better job, but the photographer we had assigned for this task didn’t complete the his task, and we had to rely on stock footage sent in by these good people.

However, this is a learning experience for all of us, and we are happy to inform you all that from now on, we will have a team of volunteer photographers who will assist us in this project.

SEE ALSO:  TheDC Story Series – “हाम्रा कथाहरु” Episode 8: गर्वबोध

The upcoming stories will be visually more attuned to the stories.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Smriti Rai – the Head of The Department, St. Joseph’s College, Mass Comm and Journalism for all her help and support.

Our EDITOR – Bishan Rai is a hero in his own right, to have brought together this story so beautifully, despite having very limited footage at hand. We thank all the early reviewers who took a sneak-peek and suggested changes in the video.

Please SHARE, help us reach these stories to all of our people

You can subscribe to RJ Sameer on Youtube at:…

1 Comment on "TheDC Story Series – “हाम्रा कथाहरु” Episode 1: तिम्रो बा सित पैसा छैन"

  1. Debi Charan Sharma | February 1, 2019 at 10:25 AM | Reply

    मेरा आँखा रसाये। शायद मैले पनि कथा भित्र आफुलाई खोजें, पाएँ।
    DC र RJ Sameer धन्यवादका पात्र छन्।

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