
‘Syanu Tara Bisalu’: Mamata Banerjee’s 3 Mistakes in Darjeeling

The Darjeeling hills, Terai and Dooars are one of the most complex and complicated, cosmopolitan regions in India. This region is a miniature replica of our nation and the complexities surrounding it. Anyone wishing to govern such a complex piece of geography should have a thorough understanding of its history, polity, politics and socio-cultural fabric.

Ram in Darjeeling

The idea of Ram as it evolved when growing up in Darjeeling Hills, from comic books, to television series, and Nepali language’s most important scripture.

‘Baimaan Pahadbasira’ – Who’s Your Daddy Now?

Yesterday, when I read the news about TMC Mouthpiece Khaar 365 Din labelling the hill peole “Baimaan Pahadbasira”, I laughed my butts off. Literally, I could hear the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of TMC and their proxies being shattered into a million pieces, and every piece crying out loud… “Baimaan Pahadbasira”.

‘Madder than the Hatter’ and other stories

Amongst the popping hot popcorns was the Mamata meme (her face superimposed over Priyanka Chopra’s ‘Mad Hatter’ outfit for the 2019 MET GALA) leading to Priyanka Sharma being jailed. If that is not “Madder than the Hatter” move, I don’t know what is.

Bitter Sweet Andolan Memories – 1986-88

The mayhem went unabated for over 2 hours. Many people who were perhaps just sitting at their house were brutally beaten up. Later we found out that there was this 18 year old daju, who was chopping meat in his house, he had a khukuri in his hands when the CRP entered. Thankfully the CRP for some reason did not shoot him, but he got arrested on the charges of “possession of weapons” and was so brutally beaten that I still shudder when I think about it.