
The Gorkha Who is Afraid

Writes: Vivek Rai “Thettt, hattu vayo”, sighs Dhiren, while he strolls down his usual way towards home. Dhiren had a sight seeing this morning. Having…

Losing my language

“Ama le bhannu bhako jaldi aunu harey, nashta thanda hundai cha…” Cringe. Cringe. Who in the world would speak like that, you’d ask. Well, an…

Sex and the Indian men

‘Nepal girls trafficked into India up by 500% in last 5 years: SSB report’ – This disturbing news appeared yesterday, 31 March 2018, Times of…

Yet, Here is a Good News!!

Writes – Bimal Rai, Mt. Pisgeh House of prayer, Darjeeling “We wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness” (Isaiah.59:9)…