
The Darjeeling Connection: Yes Benedict Cumberbatch Was Here During His Gap Year

Not many know that the actor most famous for portraying Sherlock Holmes in TV series of the same name, who has recently portrayed the role of Julian Assange in the movie The Fifth Estate has spent a good chunk of his time in Darjeeling. He thoroughly enjoyed his stay in Darjeeling and has given credit to his stay here for his calmness and ability to focus. Speaking about Darjeeling days, Mr Cumberbatch recently told a London based journalist:

Drinking Water Problem in Darjeeling: A Review

After re-elected for the second consecutive term, Prime Minister Narendra Modi power in the centre, the first ‘Maan ki Baat’ radio broadcast aired on June 7, where, in his address, the Prime Minister conveyed the message to the nation that every part of the nation must pay more attention to the current water crisis and water conservation options.

The Law of the Crowd: One Must Fear

The Crowd which has no face, no recognition, they have only a voice whether it’s for something or against something, when they are on their own they seems to be undermining, and undefined. Nobody remembers a crowd from where it come or where it goes, but when they come together they can wage a war, bring about a revolution or bring down any establish rule or dynasty. Such is the power of the crowd and their might.

Remembering Major Durga Malla on his Day of Martyrdom

Countless Gorkhas have fought and made sacrifices for our beloved nation. From the freedom struggle to the heights of Kargil, Gorkhas have always been at the forefront in the defence of our country. Shaheed Durga Malla belongs to the front rank of Gorkha heroes martyred for the cause of our country’s freedom. He epitomized the fighting spirit and ardent patriotism of Indian Gorkhas.

Not Another Valmiki’s Ramayan

We need that Hunuman who never ever worried about his life and death protecting his God and well being. Someone who feels the agony of common people and their sacrifices. Someone whose actions are louder than words. Someone who can be remembered even after hundred years for his renunciation and dedication for the welfare of people

ON KARGIL VIJAY DIWAS: We Remember – The Undiluted Heroism of Col. Lalit Rai (VrC) and His 1/11 Gorkha Troops

I am the third generation in the army and that too in the same Regiment. After I was commissioned, I joined 11 GORKHA RIFLES, the Regiment that my grandfather and father belonged to – it’s like a tradition. I got commissioned into 7/11 GORKHA RIFLES. This incidentally, was not the battalion that I led into battle. The battalion I was destined to lead, into a fierce series of battles during ‘OP VIJAY’ was 1/11 GORKHA RIFLES, the one my father had been commissioned into about 42 years ago.

Fascinated By The Era I Grew Up In

Fascinated by the era I grew up in as a teenager, my daughter wished if she could be teleported for a day back into our times and see how life was so different back then.

Monsoon Blues

As 13 of us from St. Philos were dancing under the storming rain in the Khasi hills of Cherrapunji highest rainfall with the precipitation 26411mm…