
Freedom Fighter Pratiman Singh Lama: A Jewel of the Himalayas

On 14th June 2019, a historical event was organised by Pratiman Singh Lama Salig Nirman Samiti, Kurseong Municipality commemorating 129th Birth Anniversary of Veteran National Freedom Fighter & Writer of First Original Nepali Novel ‘Mahakal Jasoos’ – Shri Pratiman Singh Lama.

Changing Political Landscapes: Gauging the Downscale

Perhaps it’s not always the political group to be blamed but the consensus of each citizen of the land, for it’s we who choose them. Perhaps it’s not the top-down but bottom-up approach. The definition of truth may vary according to the geography we belong to, but the objective truth will always be related to our survival.

Hills Deprived of Basic Requirements

I don’t understand why people of Darjeeling hills don’t talk about their basic requirements like food, water, roads in hills with our representatives. I am a Gorkha and Gorkhaland is in my heart too. But I want to know when will the leaders of hills learn to talk about our basic problems.

Legendary Everester Nawang Gombu’s Daughter Ongmu Laments Lack of Respect for the Mountains

When Darjeeling mountaineering great Nawang Gombu climbed Mt. Everest twice in 1965, becoming the first man in the world to do so, and he acquired the status of a Legend. It took a lifetime of training, grit, determination, courage and sheer love for the mountains to achieve the level of fitness and expertise to be able to climb Mt. Everest. Now a days, very few make a pilgrimage to Everest. Anyone with money, who have the ability to hire experts guides are scaling Mt. Everest. It’s not more the love of the mountain that attracts the people to Everest, but the lure of fame and bragging rights that most seek.

How Mamata lost people’s mamata?

Ms Banerjee’s party did not win a single seat in north Bengal that has a sizeable Gorkha, Adivasi and Rajbanshi population. The Gorkhalis were angry because of Ms Banerjee’s abortive bid to impose the Bengali language on them, and the use of excessive force by her government when the Gorkhas took to the streets demanding protection of their linguistic and cultural rights and a separate state of Gorkhaland.