
Labour Migration and It’s Impact in Darjeeling District

Migration of labour has taken a toll on the population of the Darjeeling district. As in Economics, Migration occurs due to the search for Financial stability or Social security motives, but the recent situation of Darjeeling district cannot be simply clubbed into any of the two.

Paradigm Shift

But after the formation of DGHC with the intervention of then Prime Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhi there is a complete paradigm shift. The people of Darjeeling Hills trust New Delhi to fulfill their aspirations rather than trusting and believing Writers Building or Nabanna in Kolkata.


Kamala, from Okhal Dunga Teen Number, had been working for her since last six months. Kamala too was in her mid twenties and used to stay with her brother Shyam, who worked as a porter in Daragoan, in a shanty hutment meant for porters like him. Kamala was a typical Arian beauty with beautiful emerald eyes.

BAN HONKING in Darjeeling

Most of the houses in Darjeeling are built adjacent to the main highway or around the periphery of the main road. Therefore we HUMAN BEINGS live there, the reason for my emphasis is that my fellow brothers and drivers of the vehicles fail to understand that their constant honking can make people SICK.