United Bank of India Kalimpong Discriminatory Policy

United Bank of India KalimpongFile pic: United Bank of India

One of our readers Bikash Chhetri writes to us about the United Bank of India Kalimpong branch’s adopting alleged Discriminatory policy towards hill students.

“I know being in school that students get to open a zero balance account for any transactions from govt scheme. While in Siliguri UBI, this policy is followed, the United Bank of India, Kalimpong branch says that although it is a zero-balance account, we have to deposit Rs 1000 as they are doing it for their business purpose.

Yes that is what they told students.

Why is this discrimination against the students from the HILLS? or do they think hills students or their parents have money laying around?

It is sad that though these accounts are opened to get govt schemes and scholarship benefits for the economically marginalized and weaker sections of our society, by demanding Rs 1000 as deposits, UBI Kalimpong is causing them tremendous mental strain.

This is injustice to our students. I hope UBI bosses will look into it at the earliest.”

We tried to reach out to UBI Kalimpong, but failed in our efforts.

United Bank of India Kalimpong
[File pic: A branch of United Bank of India, for representative purpose only]

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