Articles by Guest Author

English Writing in Sikkim: A New Bloom

Most of the writings, from Sikkim, are mostly in Nepali. The Sikkimese mass never received British mode of education or rather there were no schools that could strictly be called an English medium, barring a few. Most of the scanty English writing by the Sikkimese was mainly restricted to non-fiction books and that too mainly concentrated on the history or polity of Sikkim. The Sikkimese wanted to write their own history first.

Sorrow of A Woman

I see a Gurudasi Mondol
In many a mother who has lost a son,
To the mindless violence,
In the name of a Bigger Cause.
The horror of the agitation
Etched indelibly in their memories,
A scar that will never heal.

Dallae Khorsani – The story

The education mafia has taken over the system and turned schools into a profitable business model. At the same time, there are schools in remote places that are run by a single teacher as well. Villagers themselves help to make sure the teacher stays in the village and their children are educated. The biggest irony, however, is that the same people who have studied in a reputed private school system will fight to the death for a government teacher post.

When Nature Reclaims Territory

Natural phenomenon often brings huge devastations and cause a tremendous hazard in our lives and properties. We have seen numerous examples of the fury of nature in the form of Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Cyclones, Landslides, Avalanches, Flood and Tsunami, etc. Man-made disasters are of much smaller scales and less destructive. However, large scale implications of human actions on the environment are often overlooked.

Vote for Gorkha Identity, Security and Constitutional Rights

To me this election is about out right, our security, , our identity, and our very existence which has been is under threat from the Mamta Banerjee led TMC government of West Bengal. This election is primarily about Gorkhas and Gorkhaland Vs. the veiled attempts at diluting and eventually eradicating the Gorkha identity and the atrocities and injustices inflicted by Mamta Banerjee and TMC upon us and nothing else.

You Know You Are From Darjeeling When…

We live in a small hill town with the smooch of simplicity. We tend not to be ‘Hindi’ but sub-consciously we have a craze for Bollywood. We pray to our deity offering flowers of rhododendron and make country liquor with the same flower.