Articles by Guest Author

COVID19 and Children – FAQs

Dr. Tsheten D Sherpa is a Pediatrician based in Darjeeling. Many people with children have common queries regarding COVID19 in their babies, so she has created a list of FAQs of COVID19 in children.

Assistant Teachers Appointment – Who Do We Blame?

Recently, the West Bengal Central School Service Commission released the interview and the final vacancy list related to the 1st SLST [AT] 2016 for the requirement to the post of Assistant Teachers Appointment at Upper Primary Level of schools [Expect work and Physical Education].

To Die or Not to Die in Siliguri ? That is the Question.

WE all deserve to “die with dignity, at home, in Darjeeling, not in a Maruti van ko ambulance ma on the way to Siliguri or among the stranger in Siliguri. but who cares? भै हाल छ! The attitude that we have. We all are busy doing petty politics, petty business, for petty gain with big egos. We no longer have a sense of belongings.

The Mountains Are Crying

Phew!!! The election fever in the hills has never been so colorfully, dramatized magnified in the agenda of the Election Campaign The good feeling of wellness swelled in each heart as the hills were telescoped from the national and state capital, eminent statesmen, celebrities, and even hookers flooded our vales and dales. Foes turned into friends, friends into foes, but for the first time in decades, politicking pushed the perennial demand of Gorkhaland to the periphery of the poll campaign. My priority is not in such details for I have long ceased to comprehend the political evolution of the hills for that matter not even the tools of the greatest contemporary social scientist would be able to figure out that.

Tea Tourism – Another form of exploitation

We welcome tea tourism policy whole heartily with the adequate enforcement of standard protocols and norms on the allocable vacant land without zero compromise in the plantation area. As specified, the prime objective of the policy is “to enhance investment for generating employment opportunities for the local community for their inclusive sustainable economic development and prosperity without any hindrance to the social-fabric and ecology.” We wish our region to flourish into prosperity however development at the verge of risks of lives, loss of property and damage to environment will not tolerated be at all.

THE EASTERN FRONTIER RIFLES – “The Warriors Of East” Need to be Recognized as a Central Paramilitary Force

Eastern Frontier Rifles has to get recognition as a central para-military force, alike CAPFs, as the Jawans of the EFR fulfill the same criteria as other forces do, and are always available for the nation whenever in need. This will not just help this force to get recognition but at the same time, it will help generate employment and provide new avenues for the youths. It will also help secure the fate and future of this historic force, which has today become a pale shadow of itself due to the apathy and indifference of the state government.

Common Wild Edibles in Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya

Mountains are hotspots of bio-resource and cultural diversity as well important sites of traditional cultural knowledge. Mountain provides various Ecosystem services to the rural native communities living in the Himalayan region. Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya marks the beginning of the Eastern Himalayas. The confluence of biological diversity with its complex topography, high humidity along with its diverse physiographic and varying climatic zones, has contributed to the occurrence of large diversities of bio-resources. The Mountain services (MSs) can provide a wide range of benefits for human well-being, including provisioning, regulating, supporting, and cultural services.

The Chairman GTA Relief Fund Should Be Put to Good Use

At this crucial phase, the GTA Relief Fund can’t be ignored and forgotten. The fundraising campaign was a phenomenal drive under the leadership of the honorable GTA Chairman during the first wave of the pandemic. The fund as per the official record is a whopping amount of Rs – 2,10,16,036 in which the chairman himself committed to adding the equal sum of amount for the appropriate utilization to deal with this pandemic. With the additional share the Fund is supposed to be above 4.20( Four Crore twenty lakhs plus) now.