
‘Permanent Political Solution’ or ‘Development’?

The by-election scheduled on the 19th of this month has given the people an opportunity to choose between the ‘development’ which renders them dependent on the state or to free themselves from the shackles of exploitation. It is a choice between ‘development’ and a ‘permanent political solution’. Choose rationally so that our future generations have a say in how our affairs are managed, and who manages it.

Vote for Gorkha Identity, Security and Constitutional Rights

To me this election is about out right, our security, , our identity, and our very existence which has been is under threat from the Mamta Banerjee led TMC government of West Bengal. This election is primarily about Gorkhas and Gorkhaland Vs. the veiled attempts at diluting and eventually eradicating the Gorkha identity and the atrocities and injustices inflicted by Mamta Banerjee and TMC upon us and nothing else.