LET’s ACT INDIA – Instead of just Outraging on Social Media

darjeeling_pays_homage_to_martyrsDarjeeling pays homage to our Martyrs - Pulwama Attack

I know each one of you is in pain, the loss of the lives of our soldiers no doubt have boiled our blood. I have been watching news channels and following some messages in social media. The response no doubt is warm and supportive as it should be. Government, opposition or the media have all been together to tide over this National crisis.

But what is disturbing me is some fake news, images and irresponsible TV anchors.

We should first keep in mind that the attack is not inflicted by one person. It is a work of a group and whatever force is behind the attack also have an underlying agenda,i.e., to break the communal harmony of the country as rightly told by the Home Minister. So before circulating any messages in social media please be careful. As your message could instigate violence.

The country is in a state of mourning. At least we should be careful not to spread fake news or those images which are disturbing to watch.

Next, let’s condole the family members in their hard times. Someone may have lost a father, son, brother, husband.

Let’s be careful before circulating the photos of the martyrs in social media as it can reach a son or a wife. How would they feel when they see the mortal remains? The images are disturbing for a young child or old parents.

Just by outpouring our emotions in social media we cannot contribute to the nation but complicate things. Let’s make a trust or a foundation which could look after the children of the martyred soldiers or raise money for their education like it is done by Reliance Foundation. They have said that they will take care of the education of the children of the Martyred soldiers.

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Action speaks louder than noise.

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Let’s be quiet for some time, lit a candle, come out for help, show solidarity in times of this crisis. Let’s stand with the family members and the government.

By spreading fake news you are creating chaos and difficulties for the government as some group can perpetuate violence at times when the government should be focussing for counter strike.

The unnecessary post could further create a problem. Let’s not attack a particular community or religion. The force which is behind the attack wants us to bring a division in our society.

Let’s not speak of the problem but rather try finding the solution. It’s not only about Pulwama but try and remember Pathankot and URI, 26/11 or the Parliament attack. Let’s ask a question to ourselves how we didn’t see a group hoarding more than 100 kg of RdX? How I didn’t figure out a vehicle with a suicide bomber inside?

Be alert in days to come. Act responsibly and report suspicious characters and incidents.

Let’s start loving our country again. Let’s be loyal. Let our nationalism not be confined to an India vs Pakistan cricket match. Let’s be sensitive and change our perception of the Defence of our country. Let’s stand with them when they ask for, One Rank, One Pension.

If we will not complicate things for the government then I am very much sure that Jaish-e-Mohammad or ISI or whoever it may be behind it, will get its due share of metal in the chest in days to come.

The new India will not forget and forgive.

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But make sure that your one photo or one fake news do not create internal disturbances in the country.

Let’s pray that the Martyred souls may rest in peace.

Jai Hind!

Writes: Chandan Pariyar

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