There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.” – Jane Austen

Even though we celebrate women in our life everyday, today is special… today we celebrate HER for being WHO SHE IS – A Woman!!

Respects and Dhog to all the ladies out there, who inspire us everyday…

Darjeeling is blessed with women of extraordinary strength, resourcefulness, vision and perseverance, and today we celebrate our women, all of whom have stood tall against all odds and triumphed…

All of the Women are super achievers in their own respective ways and we celebrate you all…

Sadly we cannot profile everyone… so here are five lesser known Darjeelingeys whose achievements continue to inspire us…

We encourage our youngsters to follow on their footsteps… and know that even YOU can be whom ever YOU want to be…

Please SHARE… our youngsters need to see these inspirational ladies from our community…

SEE ALSO:  Norbu Lama - Good Luck for the World Cup

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