TheDC was born ON 18th of Nov, 2013 . It was born at a tumultuous time, when the West Bengal government had banned all local news outlets following the Gorkhaland Andolan of 2013, and we did not have a collective platform reporting on local issues, from local perspectives. The narratives about our place, our people and the perspective about Gorkhas were being shaped by news that were mostly being reported from Kolkata, which were predominantly devoid of grounded truths

In the past 12-years, like a little kid growing up, we have seen Darjeeling Chronicle – the platform you all have cared for, shared, criticized, scolded, but above all loved – GROW.

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Dazzling Darjeeling

Harish Mukhia – A visionary

Harish Mukhia was a trailblazer, who revolutionized the Darjeeling Tea Industry, and continued to serve our region and people till his last breath. A humble grounded man, who helped all those who sought his help, and considered his wife Mani as the main inspiration behind his success This is his story.